Its been a long time but these pictures are interesthing cuz that below is the Japanese puff fish that kills people!So we didn't take it back however we "played" with it for a while by making it angry so that we can see it puff!But it just puffed for a while then contract back again=[.Then we set him free to the sea.
Puff puff

Mom,bro and cousin playing kite

Fishing!See that small little kid there?He's so cute and I don really know why he kept saying his "baby"( younger sister) died -.-

I think these are crabs
Kids!!!That kid from the left is the one who had his "baby" died.He's Chai Ting then Jairus then my bro Min Shen then Xuan Herng
This is another one so we actually caught 2
This are pictures that is token the next time we went there.But this time we went with our relatives from Singapore.And these people are really smart.Their kids is currently studying at Singapore's best secondary school so its quite hard to get into that school.

Our lunch

Goose!We also saw monkeys but they ran too fast so we can't make it to take a picture of it

Walking on the sand!Their sands were different because its watery and smoother

Same lunch
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